Getting Car Insurance After a DUI
While a driver’s record is not the only thing that impacts car insurance rates, it is one of the major factors. An occasional and minor moving violation might not cause a significant premium increase. However, a serious violation like driving under the influence, often called a DUI, will almost certainly get a driver categorized as high-risk and move them into a more expensive rating class. In some states, driving while drunk is called a DWI, or driving while intoxicated. It might also be called OWI, or operating while intoxicated.
Of course, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is incredibly risky behavior, and insurers would prefer to attract customers who display safer driving behaviors. Rates may increase by a few hundred dollars after a DUI and they may remain higher for years afterwards.
SR-22 Insurance After a DUI
In most states, people who have been convicted of a serious violation may have to obtain SR-22 insurance documents in order to restore their driving privileges. In some states, the name of this document is FR-44. Basically, it is a certificate of financial responsibility that proves that the driver has been able to obtain coverage that meets state minimum requirement for liability coverage.
Any auto insurance company that offers to cover high-risk drivers can also file these forms with the appropriate state authority. They may also charge a modest fee that varies by state, but it’s usually around $25. This fee is in addition to premiums, so it may not be reflected in initial auto insurance quotes.
Get the coverage you need. Call Dolan Insurance Agency at 800-511-2166 for more information on auto insurance.
Tags: auto insurance